New Publication: "Enriching Linux on IBM Z Workloads with AI"

A new Redbook titled "Enriching Linux on IBM Z  Workloads with AI" is available for download here.

Check out the abstract as follows:

This Redbook publication helps clients with the initial steps on their AI journey. The continuously increasing interest in AI led to a great variety of frameworks and tools. Implementing an AI solution requires to make selections. This publication explains which frameworks have been optimized to make best use of IBM Z and LinuxONE, and demonstrates ways to obtain them. AI applications can benefit from the ongoing full-stack optimization work reaching from the unique IBM Z and LinuxONE hardware enhancements over compiler optimizations to the topmost software layers of an AI stack. 

The exploitation of the unique IBM Z and LinuxONE hardware capabilities such as the Integrated Accelerator for AI allows Linux AI applications to run as part of transactions on the platform. Thus clients can use AI in security-sensitive environments with strict latency requirements to implement solutions, such as in-transaction fraud detection and natural language processing.

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